Ai - fortuna
Applied innovation
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Getting a grip on growing Complexity

Break-FREE to SEE

Remove yourself from the equation that is your Company.

What is your “Top of mind”?… What is consuming most of your brain cycles?

When you do not feel you have complete understanding, control or agency of your “PROBLEM STACK” this Break-FREE will get you (re-)started!

Enabling you to get your arms around the problem, defining your inter-related problem stack, and therefore recognize where you have the agency, that allows you to make decisions to solve my problem set.

Avg. hours spent on Break-OUT

Who                : CEO, C-suite

What               : Re-align to find comfort with change

How                : A One day off-site session

When              : 4 -8 hours , a date with Ai-fortuna

Why  : Helping to regain control of a growing company complexity

Re-align your Executive Mind to get a better grip on your problem stack?