Ai - fortuna
Applied innovation
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Ai-fortuna is coming together!

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On the 13th of December Jens Heitland & Dennis Luijer travelled to the land of opportunity… to the Potato state (IDAHO) to be exact. The arrival terminal of Boise Airport was witness to our first live meeting since the initial start of our online conversations in April of 2020! So good to finally get a feel for the size and weight of a person (Stewart Guenther) who has been on the other side of the ocean all of this time! Our state-side meeting was based around a couple of milestones that we needed to reach as a new initiative that is coming together.
  1. Finishing up the UNCOVER phase of our executive engagement experience,
  2. Testing the UNCOVER experience frame and its tooling with two Executives in need of perspectives / potential,
  3. Evaluating the prototype and match it to the UNLOCK experience,
  4. Meeting of the minds to accelerate the Ai-fortuna propositions,
  5. Generate Visual Content to give people some insight into our offerings.
Very happy to say that the trip was a success and that The EU-Boys were able to return back to their families in time for Christmas.
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