Ai - fortuna
Applied innovation
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Empowering to Innovate

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We are all innovators or as I like to say Innovateurs.
One day in early 2020, I was chatting to Dennis Luijer one of my Co-Founders of Ai-Fortuna.
He was explaining a story around his logo and the importance (for a visual master) of the visual effect.

“You should be willing to get your brand (logo) as a tattoo.

Though, that was never my goal, I thought about what could be my story for a logo, that fits to me and that I would at least put on a T-Shirt.

This is what I came up with:
1997 I worked on construction sites as Electrician. At that time the profession of Electrician in Germany was called Elektro Installateur. 20 years later I worked with Innovation in IKEA Centres and there I was the Innovator.

Installateur & Innovator = Innovateur

And funny enough only later I found out that the word Innovateur is the french word for Innovator.

And now you might understand as well all the …EUR-endings in my online retail business Heitland Clothing.

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