Ai - fortuna
Applied innovation
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Ai-fortuna came into being with the sole purpose of uncovering potential, unlocking focus, and unleashing action. It required us to UNLOCK our own frames, thus having the right conversations when trying to apply innovative thinking and doing.

A forcing function impacted all of us at the beginning of 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to come up with a new way of thinking and engaging ONLINE. This in turn proved to be a catalyst as we all strive for sense making, especially between a mix of action-able and inspiring people.

What helped greatly, was defining our guardrails – start by creating a SPACE – for free flowing, open conversation. In this new SPACE we ENGAGED and found the freedom to explore and mesh together a whole new program that allowed us to UNLOCK

the opportunities we are activating today.

UNCOVER, UNLOCK, UNLEASH are three in-between states of a continuous cycle you
might recognize as Change, Transformation and Innovation.

Connecting these three states with each other, helps; different stakeholders within an
organization, expand their horizons, while keeping a close eye of the steps needed to ensure

progress. In effect, we un-covered 3 intertwined paths that are constantly in need of
renewal. Applying this framework, we merge diverse minds from different industries into

STREAMS of guided conversations.

In these STREAMS we learn from each others experiences and formulate, test & challenge

new strategies, thus generate key insights, that will restart, re-direct or even re-invent


Participating in, or watching and consuming these STREAMS, offers thought leaders,

and decision makers, the opportunity to gain from and Set course for shared goals with

a future-ready perspective.

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